Grouse Mountain 2

Šodien otrreiz uzkāpu kalnā, nu jau distances laiks 1h 9m, nebūtu ledus būtu vēl ātrāk - kāpām ar Ievu, vēl tik Tomasu jādabū līdz kalnam :) Vispār prieks bija apskatīt sniegu un atkal tur uzrāpties, būs siltāks, būs regulārāk uz turieni jābrauc. Mežā tāds miers un klusums, un tie skati!!!

Sals ir uznācis pamatīgs, pa dienu ir mīnusos, pa nakti ir ļoti lielos mīnusos, bet dienā saulīte tomēr silda :) Katrā ziņā, ja sagribās pikoties, tad jālaiž uz kalnu. Vispār Edžus jau meklē snovu, taču es nevaru saprast - slēpes vai snovs?! hmmm, enik benik, ne? :D

Mājupceļā ar jūras autobusu sagaidījām brīnišķīgu saulrietu:

2 Responses
  1. Ozzy Says:

    Hey Dita , I see that you have returned to grouse Mountain again .
    Getting ready for the snow season ?¿?¿ Jejejeje
    We're now in Fairmont Hot Springs , enjoying the hot baths , and waiting to start the skiing season.
    I d'ont know if it's cold there , but here it's very cold yesterday nigth we were at -28Cº .
    Kind regards to you and Edgar .

  2. Vankūvera Says:

    Mamma mia, hey you two!!!! Wow and I was complaining that it is cold here - we have around -6 at night, and -1 during the day so it's nothing when compared to you!!!

    I was checking out your pictures - AWESOME!!!! Me and Edgars, we want to go there too .... in the summer of course :D :D :D

    By the way, we are reading your blog with the help of - so you can also do the same ;) of course the language is rubbish but still at least we can understand what is going on with you two!!!

    Cheers and Edgars says HI as well! ;) :)

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